These last few months have been pretty unprecedented and scary times, with many businesses closing their doors and fearing what might be around the corner. It’s had a huge impact on all of our lives but we’ve tried to remain positive and looked forward to the day that all of this ends and we can get back to the ‘new normal’ whatever that might look like.

We viewed this time of isolation as a way of switching off from all outside distractions and a rare opportunity to simply ‘create’.

It’s not very often that the world stands still, so we felt we needed to use this time as constructively as possible, to plan ahead to next year and find a positive in amongst this period of madness.

We’ve been working hard on creating a huge new range which will be gradually released over the coming months and now, in a time when things are slowly starting to return to some sort of normality, we have our sights firmly focussed on the future, with plenty of exciting things to look forward to. Here’s a small glimpe of what we’ve been up to.

Keep an eye on our social channels and sign up to our newsletter to see more over the coming months.

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